Saturday, February 12, 2005


What have HTML, voting and Des Bishop got in common?......

Apologies to all the people who have left comments yesterday and today. I have been messing around trying to learn HTML etc. and I lost the comments.

I always thought of HTML as some complicated computer language that only people with 4 years worth of college could understand, im amazed how easy it is so far? (you IT guys are so full of bull, i always knew it!) In just two days, I have added a new voting section, a new Haloscan commenting section which now includes trackback and attached links to my fav sites.

I also discovered a cool blog written by a guy called Des Bishop today. He's an Irish American comedian and is really really popular over here in Ireland at the moment, mainly through his ability to make us laugh at all the dumb things irish people do, without insulting us while hes doin it. How americans havent picked him up yet is beyond me, but i guess USA's loss is our gain, as hes genuinely funny and, above all else, a really down to earth kinda guy. (note how im sucking up incase he might read this) Nah seriously, his american family are originally from a town called Midleton in Cork, Ireland and if theres one thing the irish are good for, its sticking up for one of our own!) I've no doubt that he'll be big in states at some point, so check out his blog here.

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